Brückner cried over Euro, now ready for new job
INTERVIEW with the newly appointed Austrian coach
Two thirds of Czechs disillusioned with democracy
Disappointment even among supporters of ruling parties
ČR sued for CZK 13.5 billion in 11 arbitration lawsuits
Some hefty lawsuits were already won by state though
Czechs join Slovakia in sausage registration efforts
EU asked to register four traditional meat products
Czech Railways given record fine for unfair competition
The company offered lower prices to some clients
ID pierced by bullet a reminder of 1968 invasion
Untold stories of casualties of 1968 Occupation
Russia wants permanent observers at US radar base
Russia is said to take "adequate measures"
German coach a candidate for Czech national team job
Toppmöller admits he was contacted by Czech reps
Top 100 Czech companies still dominated by Škoda
Ánnual prestige competition announces its results
Every Czech sorts 50 kilos of waste a year: Not enough
Biowaste recycling remains a challenge for Czechs
Foreign trade is on the rise again
Surplus of trade balance is 332 million euro
Police alerted: Football rowdies will travel through ČR
Border-free system temporarily abandoned for Euro 2008
Another border problem: Land without owners
Some Czech-Polish borderland is nobody's property
Guest workers in Germany may get more rights
An important decision on unlimited work permits
Winton train to travel from Prague to London again
A reminder of Second World War saviour of 669 children
Senate risks not approving Lisbon treaty in time
Minister Cyril Svoboda warns of the possibility
Companies may earn billions on greenhouse gas savings
Some will have to buy carbon permits or reduce emissions
EU presidency - Czechs are not too thrilled
Czechs lack both interest and information
Week 20/2008 in (and out of) focus
Eating bugs, littering laws and tutition fees
Economic growth rate to slow down to 5.4 percent
Employment and productivity is behind the growth
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