Přehledně: Uzeniny zabíjejí a na Marsu je voda. Na co všechno přišli vědci v roce 2015

Simona Fendrychová Simona Fendrychová
Aktualizováno 31. 12. 2015 12:35
Nová antibiotika a vakcína proti ebole můžou zachránit tisíce lidských životů, štěňata narozená ze zkumavky zase ohrožené druhy zvířat. Světoví vědci přišli v roce 2015 s řadou významných objevů. Vybrali jsme 12 nejzajímavějších. Těch, které zahýbaly světem a na něž by se rozhodně nemělo zapomenout.
West Rim of Endeavour Crater on Mars (False Color) A portion of the west rim of Endeavour crater sweeps southward in this color view from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. This crater -- with a diameter of about 14 miles (22 kilometers) -- is more than 25 times wider than any that Opportunity has previously approached during the rover's 90 months on Mars. The view is presented in false color to emphasize differences among materials in the rocks and the soils. This view combines exposures taken by Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) on the 2,678th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars (Aug. 6, 2011) before driving on that sol. The subsequent Sol 2678 drive covered 246 feet (75.26 meters), more than half of the remaining distance to the rim of the crater. Opportunity arrived at the rim during its next drive, on Sol 2681 (Aug. 9, 2011). Endeavour crater has been the rover team's destination for Opportunity since the rover finished exploring Victoria crater in August 2008. Endeavour offers access to older geological deposits than any Opportunity has seen before. The closest of the distant ridges visible along the Endeavour rim is informally named "Solander Point." Opportunity may investigate that area in the future. The rover's first destination on the rim, called "Spirit Point" in tribute to Opportunity's now-inactive twin, Spirit, is to the left (north) of this scene. The lighter-toned rocks closer to the rover in this view are similar to the rocks Opportunity has driven over for most of the mission. However, the darker-toned and rougher rocks just beyond that might be a different type for Opportunity to investigate. The ground in the foreground is covered with iron-rich spherules, nicknamed "blueberries," which Opportunity has observed frequently since the first days after landing. They are about 0.2 inch (5 millimeters) or more in diameter. Images combined into this view were taken through three different Pancam filters admitting light with wavelengths centered at 753 nanometers (near infrared), 535 nanometers (green) and 432 nanometers (violet). Seams have been eliminated from the sky portion of the mosaic to better simulate the vista a person standing on Mars would see. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/ASU
West Rim of Endeavour Crater on Mars (False Color) A portion of the west rim of Endeavour crater sweeps southward in this color view from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. This crater -- with a diameter of about 14 miles (22 kilometers) -- is more than 25 times wider than any that Opportunity has previously approached during the rover's 90 months on Mars. The view is presented in false color to emphasize differences among materials in the rocks and the soils. This view combines exposures taken by Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) on the 2,678th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars (Aug. 6, 2011) before driving on that sol. The subsequent Sol 2678 drive covered 246 feet (75.26 meters), more than half of the remaining distance to the rim of the crater. Opportunity arrived at the rim during its next drive, on Sol 2681 (Aug. 9, 2011). Endeavour crater has been the rover team's destination for Opportunity since the rover finished exploring Victoria crater in August 2008. Endeavour offers access to older geological deposits than any Opportunity has seen before. The closest of the distant ridges visible along the Endeavour rim is informally named "Solander Point." Opportunity may investigate that area in the future. The rover's first destination on the rim, called "Spirit Point" in tribute to Opportunity's now-inactive twin, Spirit, is to the left (north) of this scene. The lighter-toned rocks closer to the rover in this view are similar to the rocks Opportunity has driven over for most of the mission. However, the darker-toned and rougher rocks just beyond that might be a different type for Opportunity to investigate. The ground in the foreground is covered with iron-rich spherules, nicknamed "blueberries," which Opportunity has observed frequently since the first days after landing. They are about 0.2 inch (5 millimeters) or more in diameter. Images combined into this view were taken through three different Pancam filters admitting light with wavelengths centered at 753 nanometers (near infrared), 535 nanometers (green) and 432 nanometers (violet). Seams have been eliminated from the sky portion of the mosaic to better simulate the vista a person standing on Mars would see. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/ASU | Foto: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/ASU

Na rudé planetě v létě teče voda

To, že je Mars suchá a vyprahlá planeta, jak si lidstvo dříve myslelo, NASA letos na podzim definitivně vyvrátila. Na povrchu rudé planety za určitých podmínek teče voda.

Nové poznatky pocházejí z údajů amerického satelitu Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, který krouží kolem rudé planety od roku 2006. Objevit tekoucí vodu umožnil podle expertů vývoj nové techniky a počítačových programů pro analýzy chemických map.

Tekoucí voda se na Marsu vyskytuje v průběhu léta. Bezprostředně po tomto převratném objevu se však začalo řešit dilema, jakým způsobem dále rudou planetu zkoumat, aby se voda na jejím povrchu neznečistila mikroorganismy ze Země.

Dlouhé tmavé pruhy, které vytvořila voda stékající z kráterů a stěn kaňonů v průběhu letních měsíců, zkoumá pojízdná sonda Curiosity. Ta má za úkol najít důkazy o tom, že byl Mars kdysi v dávných dobách obyvatelný.

Stopy po tekoucí vodě tak znamenají velký průlom především proto, že vyschlé potůčky jsou v některých místech ještě stále mokré. Pro vozidla vyslaná do takových oblastí ale platí přísná pravidla. Na tyto podmínky bude už připravená příští mise, která bude na Mars vyslána v roce 2018.


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