The survey results
- 1. Václav Klaus
- 2. David Rath
- 3. Miroslav Kalousek
- 4. Pavel Bém
- 5. Jiří Paroubek
- 6. Martin Bursík
- 7. Ivan Langer
- 8. Tomáš Julínek
- 9. Miroslav Topolánek
- 10. Jiří Čunek
Prague - Which Czech politicians are successful in self-promotion and communication with the public and which are not?
Experts on PR, Czech language and non-verbal communication have the answer. They took pains and compared the skills and abilities of ten top Czech politicians that often appear in the Czech media.
The ´jury´ had two recordings of each politician´s appearance in a popular televized political talkshow Otázky Václava Moravce (Questions of Václav Moravec), which is broadcasted every Sunday by public service Czech Television.
Those subjected to the critical review were President Václav Klaus, PM Mirek Topolánek, Ministers Ivan Langer, Miroslav Kalousek, Tomáš Julínek, Martin Bursík, Jiří Čunek, Prague Mayor Pavel Bém, head of the Social Democratic Party Jiří Paroubek and shadow Health Minister David Rath.
The following four skills were observed: the correct use of the Czech language, verbal expression, rhetorical qualities and non-verbal communication.
The award goes to..
Of all the analyzed lawmakers, Václav Klaus became the overall winner, having won also in the category of correct Czech language usage.
Pavel Bém won the verbal expression category and Miroslav Kalousek was praised for having the best rhetorical skills, while David Rath excelled in the non-verbal communication.
In the category of using correct Czech, the last place went to PM Topolánek.
"He [Topolánek] is unable to formulate a simple idea into a coherent sentence that bears any meaning. He is just pouring out words, constantly digressing from the topic he is speaking about, and it all doesn´t make much sense. He uses clichés, empty phrases, and English terms in cases where the Czech language has equivalents," said Jiřina Miklušáková from the College of Creative Writing.
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