Prague - A poll conducted by Median between May 2 and June 1 showed voters preferences if parliamentary elections to the Chamber of Deputies were to take place now.
Results came from a pool of 1,188 respondents older than 18 years of age and showed that the Social Democrats (ČSSD) and the Civic Democrats (ODS) would come in neck in neck with ČSSD taking the lead. They would get 36.5 percent of the votes, while ODS only 32.3 percent.
The Communist party would receive the least support it's had in the past year. Only 12 percent of the participants said they would vote for them.
The Greens may not make it
Members of the Christian Democratic party (KDU-ČSL) would be the only other party which would be able to get seats in the lower house, passing the 5-percent limited by 2 points.
The Green party would finish with 4.9 percent of the votes, which Median says may not be completely accurate, and that given statistical errors the party could make it into the parliament.
Small loses and gains for leading parties
The favor given to the ČSSD - the strongest opposition party - decreased by 2 percent from April, but grew by 5.4 percent year on year.
Support for ODS actually grew by almost 4 percent from the previous month. Yet, overall they lost 4 percentage points from last year.
Predictions of voter participation has not changed much from 2006. If election were held in May, 61 percent of voters would have gone to the polls.
The responses included in Median's study were taken only from those who said they would vote.