Littering fines to make Prague a cleaner city

Michal Pávec
14. 5. 2008 15:00
Bill is introduced by city authorities
Prague authorities plan to make this a thing of the past
Prague authorities plan to make this a thing of the past | Foto: Ondřej Besperát

Prague - Realizing that a thirty-year-old regulation about littering is hopelessly insufficient, the capital's authorities proposed a new set of paragraphs that would introduce harsher penalties for those who make Prague dirty.

"After 28 years, the legal regulation doesn't reflect current conditions and is unenforceable," explained Deputy Mayor Rudolf Blažek.

The municipal authorities should be enabled by a new bill to fine litterbugs around the city. The range of fines will be made public when the authorities release a special commented version of the bill.

Punishable acts

Specifically, the bill clarifies what will be defined as littering.

Actions such as throwing garbage or placing posters outside of permitted areas will be considered as punishable. People who refuse to clean up after their dogs will be fined as well.

The general rule will be - everybody has to clean up the trash they produce.

Cleaner public transport

Among those who will feel the stricter rules will be organizers of cultural and sporting events. They will have to secure collection containers for garbage and clean up the a place where where an event has taken place immediately after it is concluded.

It is expected by the authorities that the bill will help make public transport stops cleaner. The operator of such services, the Prague Public Transport Co. Inc., will be obliged to have them cleaned on a regular basis.


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