Interior minister puts post office closures on hold

10. 10. 2008 9:30
Czech Post wants to close 179 branches, but Ivan Langer says an agreement with affected municipalities will be necessary.
Czech Post says some of its branches are redundant.
Czech Post says some of its branches are redundant. | Foto: Ondřej Besperát

Jihlava - Czech Interior Minister Ivan Langer said yesterday he will not approve the closure of any post office, unless such a move is backed by an agreement between Czech Post and the affected municipality.

In early September, Czech Post announced its plan to close 179 of its 3,500 branches in small and remote municipalities and lay off 2,500 of its 37,000 staff. The company said it would instead serve the affected areas with scheduled postal vehicles.

The announcement received a bitter response from mayors as well as some government officials. Deputy PM Jiří Čunek was one of those who expressed opposition to the plan.

A new CEO at Czech Post, Petr Sedláček, was appointed  on 1 October. He has pledged to review the plan: "We need yet to discuss this. So far we have not exploited all other options."


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