Prague - The eagerly anticipated session of the Constitutional Court delivered its verdict just a few minutes after it has started this morning.
It stated that the Lisbon Treaty does not infringe the Czech constitution and thus removing the last hurdle to ratifying the reform treaty.
"The Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and Treaty on establishing the European Community and Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union are not in conflict with the constitutional order," said Pavel Rychetský, chairman of the Constitutional Court.
The Court judges thus rejected all complaints filed by a group of 17 eurosceptic senators from the Civic Democratic Party (ODS).
The senators and President Václav Klaus argued that treaty would reduce Czech sovereignty and increase power of the "big" member states of the European Union.
The senators filed a number of complaints in the course of time, the latest last week. Pavel Rychetský marked their behavior as bordering with "deliberate posing obstructions".
The senators said they would file a chalenge with the European Court of Human Rights to review the Czech Court's verdict.
The EU leaders agreed on Friday to grant the Czech Republic an opt-out from the treaty, as demanded by Václav Klaus. The president has not spelled out when he would sign the treaty but said last week he would not raise any other conditions.
If Václav Klaus signs the reform treaty in the upcoming days, he will pave the way for the deal to come into force across the EU as of December 1, almost one year later than originally envisaged.