Masha Markova
New Police Act: Officers to help, protect and be polite
New law to come into force in January 2009
Teachers to be dismissed for humiliating students
Supreme Court rules kids be treated with dignity
Poll: Czechs largely distrustful of police
Less than half of respondents trust cops
Senate election to see mostly male candidates
Women seem to lack the zeal
Language and PR experts name Václav Klaus best speaker
Top politicians under scrutiny of linguists
Czech state pays CZK 3.6 bil compensation to Nomura
A decade-long dispute is over
Brückner cried over Euro, now ready for new job
INTERVIEW with the newly appointed Austrian coach
Four Czech MPs listed as Communist informants
All four reject accusation of cooperation
Prague Airport serves record 6m passangers in H1
A record high figure compared to last year
Unipetrol exec: Russian oil easily replaceable
Replacement complicated logistically, not economically
New Czech film to explore struggle of Romani
Zdeněk Tyc wants film to have more universal message
Czech Republic doubles Bt corn in a year
In EU, only Spain grows more GM corn
Week 30/2008 in (and out of) focus
What are the chances of a blob in Letná and euthanasia in ČR?
Czech scientists released from Indian jail on bail
The two entomologists to stay in Darjeeling
National Library to fight for blob in court
Architect Jan Kaplický reimbursed the second time soon
Czechs prefer German travel agents for exotic travel
Number of Czechs using foreign agencies still marginal
To blob or not to blob. Minister and architect divided
Interview with architect Jan Kaplický
Defense Minister wants stricter sanctions for rowdies
No police patrols to assist at football matches
Environment Minister: Let the dam be built and prosper
Generous compensation for owners of houses to be flooded
Two thirds of Czechs disillusioned with democracy
Disappointment even among supporters of ruling parties
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