Obrazem: Američané žijící v chudobě
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Crash course in winter urban homeless survival
They are called Pepe and Pepe. They are homeless. And they were willing to share their secret tips on winter survival with Aktuálně.cz
Crash course in winter urban homeless survival
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34 fotografií
Pictures: Prague hit by snow. How the homeless survive
Aktuálně.cz's fotographer went to the streets of the Czech capital to document how are the less fortunate of us dealing with the snow calamity
Prague stuck in snow. How the homeless survive
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29 fotografií
Survey: Numbers of homeless in ČR on the rise
The country lacks sufficient care for socially disadvantaged people
Hepatitis outbreak in ČR: 50 new cases reported
Health Ministry says it won´t be over until January 2009
Czech street bum mourned in Mannheim, Germany
Financial problems turned Pavel into an alcoholic
Slum-like conditions for evicted Roma families
Families evicted from Vsetín may end up homeless
Newborn found in garbage officially adopted
Czech police still looking for the biological mother
Czech donors fear for their adopted children in Kenya
Czechs sponsor education of some 3.000 young Kenyans
Czech police treat homeless as thieves and deny it
"Embedded journalists" witness a night raid in Brno
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