Prague places 49th as most important city of commerce

Aktuálně.cz national news reporters
13. 6. 2008 17:00
Warsaw, Moscow and Budapest ranked behind
Navzdory hrozbám - Praha zůstala poklidným městem.
Navzdory hrozbám - Praha zůstala poklidným městem. | Foto: Ludvík Hradílek

Praha - The city of Prague was ranked as the 49th important city in global economy in the latest survey conducted by the Mastercard company. The survey evaluated 75 cities worldwide taking into account a number of factors.

London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, New and Chicago are among the top ten.

Europe as a continent has the highest number of cities that were evaluated. Out of the total number of 75, 28 cities are in Europe, Prague outshining its regional rivals.

Warsaw, Budapest and Moscow ranked behind Prague.

Seven factors

The survey compares the cities in terms of seven factors - legal and political systems, economic stability, business support, presence of financial institutions, knowledge creation and the livability. 

Prague gained extra points for the livability factor and economic stability. Both categories won 80 points out of 100 for Prague.

The Czech Republic will soon receive a similar study which will compare cities and regions within the country. The MasterCard company thus wants to provide a guide to foreign investors and businessmen for better orientation in the country.

The analysis is to be completed towards the end of this year.


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