Úředníci, kteří mají tetování, mohou přijít o práci
Evelyne Greenwald, from Belgium, awaits her turn to be judged during the National Tattoo Association Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio April 13, 2012. Greenwald has traveled four times in the past year to Ukraine where tattoo artist Dmitriy Samohin has completed tattoos of a horse, bird, wild cats and American Indians. She claims she is addicted to the art because it is so beautiful. Picture taken April 13, 2012. REUTERS/Larry Downing (UNITED STATES - Tags: SOCIETY) ATTENTION EDITORS PICTURE 31 OF 31 FOR PACKAGE 'ADDICTED TO THE NEEDLE' TO FIND ALL PICTURES SEARCH 'ADDICTED NEEDLE' Published: Čer. 29, 2012, 1 odp.