Calm before storm? Czech extremist scene stagnates

Jakub Novak
31. 7. 2012 19:24
Extremism report: public's dissatisfaction with politics may stimulate activity of new radical groups
Foto: Policie ČR

Prague - Political extremism in the Czech Republic seems to be stagnating, according to a report produced by the Interior Ministry and the Czech domestic intelligence agency BIS.

However, public dissatisfaction with the present political situation may "stimulate activity of new platforms or radical groups and individuals" in the near future, the report warned.

"The Czech neo-Nazi scene does not operate as a whole, it is composed mostly of local groups," the report said, adding that right-wing extremists are failing to find some unifying theme.

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The Workers' Party of Social Justice (DSSS) is the only far-right political group that has shown some activity in the past months. It also succeeded in attracting some former neo-Nazi activists and started cooperating with Germany's right-wing extremists, above all the NPD.

However, the DSSS is still unable to approach the mainstream public in the Czech Republic, and its main issue is still the Roma minority and problems in socially-excluded communities.

The report concludes that currently there is no national, hierarchical organization of right-wing extremists in the Czech Republic.

The far-left scene is equally fragmented, but it has managed to unite in opposition to some issues, such as the ACTA treaty or the "Occupy" protest in Prague's Klarov neighborhood.

Left-wing extremists have been more active in the past months, boosted by popular resentment against government austerity reforms, according to the report.

The report argues that both left-wing and right-wing segments of the extremist scene are currently experiencing a generation shift.

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